محققون يحددون أن صاروخ الذى ضرب مستشفى الأطفال الوطنى في أوكرانيا كان من صنع روسيا

The Conflict Armament Research (CAR) investigators have determined that the missile that struck the National Children’s Specialized Hospital “Okhmatdyt” in Kyiv, Ukraine on July 8, 2024, was manufactured in the Russian Federation. The investigators analyzed trace evidence from the wreckage and identified the missile as a Kh-101. This conclusion is consistent with the findings of other research organizations that analyzed video footage of the attack. Based on the markings on the missile, the investigators believe it was manufactured no more than three months before the attack, and possibly as early as eight days before.
The missile, known as Kh-101, is a strategic cruise missile developed using radar-avoidance technology. It has been in development since 1995 and was put into service in 2013. The missile has a range of 5,500 kilometers and is capable of changing targets during flight. The CAR investigation confirms that the missile in question was manufactured weeks or possibly days before the attack on the children’s hospital in Kyiv.
ملخص الأخبار
- الباحثون حددوا أن الصاروخ المستخدم في الهجوم على مستشفى الأطفال الكبير في أوكرانيا صنع في روسيا قبل أيام من الهجوم.
- يظهر رقم إنتاج مكون من 13 رقمًا على ذيل الصاروخ مطابقًا لعلامات الصواريخ الروسية الأخرى.
- الصاروخ Kh-101 هو صاروخ كروز استراتيجي تم تطويره باستخدام تكنولوجيا تجنب الرادار.
- الصاروخ بمدى 5500 كيلومتر وله القدرة على تغيير الأهداف أثناء الرحلة.