اخبار النجوم

تانيالي تفقد وزنه بسبب مرض البنكرياس

Tanyeli, who has been undergoing pancreas treatment for a year, was seen in Nişantaşı with her husband İlker Sünnili. Last year, the famous belly dancer went to Cuba in search of a cure for her illness, and has been continuing her treatment in Turkey for months. Tanyeli revealed that she lost up to 47 kilos due to her illness, saying, “For the first time in my life, I have lost so much weight. Even a model who claims to be thin is not as thin as me.” Tanyeli, who left the house for the first time in days, said, “Actually, I am fighting my illness well. Today is the first time I was able to go out of the house in 10 days. I wanted to get some fresh air. I am fine, but it’s a bit crowded outside. I will attend an award ceremony in the evening, and I went shopping. Actually, I’m trying not to stay in crowds. There is a major pandemic. I am vulnerable to infection due to my ongoing treatment. I recently caught the flu. I thought I was dying from the flu, not cancer. The current flu pandemic is worse than the coronavirus. It destroys people. Let’s all be careful.”

Source: Sabah

ملخص الأخبار

  • تانيالي تعرضت لخسارة وزن بسبب مرض البنكرياس الذي يعاني منه منذ عام
  • قالت انها قد فقدت حتى 47 كيلوغرامًا بسبب المرض
  • أكدت على أنها تتعافى بشكل جيد من المرض لكنها معرضة للعدوى نتيجة لعلاجها الطويل
  • حذرت من تفشي الوباء ودعت الجميع إلى أخذ الحيطة والحذر

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

Tanyeli, who has been undergoing pancreas treatment for a year, was seen in Nişantaşı with her husband İlker Sünnili. Last year, the famous belly dancer went to Cuba in search of a cure for her illness, and has been continuing her treatment in Turkey for months. Tanyeli revealed that she lost up to 47 kilos due to her illness, saying, “For the first time in my life, I have lost so much weight. Even a model who claims to be thin is not as thin as me.” Tanyeli, who left the house for the first time in days, said, “Actually, I am fighting my illness well. Today is the first time I was able to go out of the house in 10 days. I wanted to get some fresh air. I am fine, but it’s a bit crowded outside. I will attend an award ceremony in the evening, and I went shopping. Actually, I’m trying not to stay in crowds. There is a major pandemic. I am vulnerable to infection due to my ongoing treatment. I recently caught the flu. I thought I was dying from the flu, not cancer. The current flu pandemic is worse than the coronavirus. It destroys people. Let’s all be careful.”

Source: Sabah

ملخص الأخبار

  • تانيالي تعرضت لخسارة وزن بسبب مرض البنكرياس الذي يعاني منه منذ عام
  • قالت انها قد فقدت حتى 47 كيلوغرامًا بسبب المرض
  • أكدت على أنها تتعافى بشكل جيد من المرض لكنها معرضة للعدوى نتيجة لعلاجها الطويل
  • حذرت من تفشي الوباء ودعت الجميع إلى أخذ الحيطة والحذر

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

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