مقاتلون في مالي يتلقون معلومات وموارد متقدمة لشن عمل عسكري ضد مرتزقة روسيا من شركة واجنر العسكرية الخاصة.

Rebels in Mali received advanced information and resources to carry out a military operation against Russian mercenaries from Wagner Private Military Company (PMC). This was revealed by Andriy Yusov, a representative of Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence, during a national telethon. He stated that the rebels had been provided with crucial information and resources, enabling them to carry out a successful operation against the Russian mercenaries. The details of the operation have not been disclosed at this time, but further developments are anticipated. The Kyiv Post published a photograph showing Malian Tuareg rebels posing with the Ukrainian flag after a recent successful raid against the Wagner terrorists in Africa. The faces of the individuals in the photograph were blurred.
Telegram channels close to the Russian mercenaries reported that FPV strike drones were used against the Wagner mercenaries during the operation. On July 27, a group consisting of Russian mercenaries and local forces was ambushed by a local rebel group, the CSP-DPA, near the town of Tin Zaoutine. Reports indicate that over 80 fighters were killed in the battle, with another 15 captured by the local Tuareg fighters. The CSP-DPA fighters destroyed or captured a significant amount of equipment, including Chinese VP11 armored vehicles. Two Russian helicopters were reportedly shot down, but one managed to land safely while the other crashed. The operation also resulted in the elimination of two influential Russian military officers, known by the call signs “Belyi” and “Lotus,” who were involved in the conflict with Ukraine.
ملخص الأخبار
- الصورة التي نُشرت في صحيفة كييف بوست تُظهر عناصر من مقاتلي الطوارق الماليين يرتدون العلم الأوكراني بعد هجوم ناجح ضد مرتزقة واجنر في أفريقيا.
- إستخدام طائرات الدرون بقيادة عن بعد FPV في العملية ضد مرتزقة واجنر حسب قنوات تلغراف قريبة من المرتزقة الروس.
- تقارير تُفيد بمقتل أكثر من 80 مقاتلاً والإمساك بـ 15 آخرين على يد مقاتلي الطوارق المحليين بعد كمين قرب بلدة تين زاوتين.