إيران تدعو أوكرانيا لوقف دعمها المزعوم لجماعات المعارضة في سوريا

In a recent development, Iran has urged Ukraine to halt its alleged support for opposition groups in Syria. This call was made by Mojtaba Damirchilou, the Assistant Foreign Minister of Iran and Director General of the Eurasia Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The statement was reported by Mehr News, highlighting accusations of Ukraine’s involvement in illegal arms trade and support for terrorist groups in Syria. Damirchilou branded these actions as contraventions of international commitments to counter terrorism and demanded their immediate cessation. The Iranian diplomat also criticized Ukraine for destabilizing the West Asian region by backing such groups, suggesting that alliances with terrorism only foster more instability and violence. Simultaneously, he reiterated Iran’s stance that it is not a participant in the conflict in Ukraine, despite allegations to the contrary.
Reports indicate that the background of this accusation involves Iran’s own actions in the region, particularly its support for Russia, a key ally of the Assad regime in Syria. This includes supplying drones and other weaponry used against Ukraine, with Iranian drones being actively deployed by Russia since late 2022. The conflict in Syria has seen significant developments, with the Syrian opposition launching an offensive against forces loyal to Assad, supported by Iran
ملخص الأخبار
- إيران تتهم أوكرانيا بتجارة غير مشروعة بالأسلحة التي تلقاها بعض المسؤولين الأوكرانيين من الولايات المتحدة، ودعمها لجماعات إرهابية في سوريا.
- الدبلوماسي الإيراني أشار إلى أن التحالفات مع الإرهاب تزيد من عدم الاستقرار والعنف العالمي.
- استخدام روسيا للطائرات الإيرانية المسيّرة لضرب أوكرانيا من خريف 2022 تحت أسماء “جيرانيوم-1″ و”جيرانيوم-2”.
- الهجوم الأخير للمعارضة السورية على قوات نظام الأسد المدعومة من إيران وروسيا أسفر عن تحرير أقاليم متعددة.