ارتفاع ملحوظ في عدد النساء المتقدمات للانضمام إلى القوات الأوكرانية المسلحة

Recently, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported a significant increase in the number of women applying to join the Ukrainian Defense Forces. Notably, the Ternopil region leads, with 48% of its applicants being women, followed by the Chernivtsi region at 44%, and the Chernihiv region at 39%. This surge in female applicants is part of a broader national trend where women constitute 19% of all candidates at recruitment centers. As of April 2024, over 5,000 women are on the front line, primarily within the Ground Forces, while a total of 67,285 women serve in the Armed Forces, including 47,569 as military servicewomen.
The increase in female applicants can be traced back to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s efforts to encourage more women to consider military careers. Factors contributing to this include national developments and a heightened sense of duty among citizens. The Ministry of Defense and Military published this data, also noting that recent months have seen more than 23,000 individuals seeking consultations at recruitment centers. Of these, 5,797 have proceeded with application processes to join the Defense Forces. Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovs’k regions,
ملخص الأخبار
- منطقة تيرنوبل تشهد نسبة تقديم النساء الأعلى تبلغ 48% يليها شيرنيفتسي بـ 44% وشيرنيهيف بـ 39%.
- تم تقديم أكثر من 23,000 استشارة في مراكز التجنيد، وبدأ 5,797 منهم إجراءات الانضمام للقوات الدفاعية.
- يتوفر أكثر من 10,000 وظيفة شاغرة في 44 مركز تجنيد بمختلف أنحاء البلاد، منها وظائف للسائقين ومشغلي الطائرات المسيرة والطاقم الطبي.
- خدمة التوظيف متاحة من خلال تطبيق Reserve+ الذي يوفر أوصافاً تفصيلية للوظائف ويسهل عملية اتخاذ القرار.