حرب وعسكرية

وزارة الدفاع الأوكرانية تعبر عن دعمها لمشروع قانون الشركات الدفاعية الدولية

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has expressed its support for the draft Law on International Defense Companies, according to the government portal. The aim of the draft law is to regulate the activities and legal status of international military companies operating in Ukraine and providing defense services outside of the country. The proposed law suggests the establishment of the “State Service of Ukraine for International Defense Companies” to oversee and manage the operations of these companies. The new state body will be under the supervision of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine and will regulate activities, register defense service agreements, and keep track of weapons and equipment. The draft law also outlines the requirements for establishing an International Defense Company (IDC), stating that only individuals and legal entities who are residents of Ukraine can be founders. IDCs can be registered in regions of Ukraine adjacent to states recognized as terrorist by Ukraine. The IDCs are allowed to provide various defense services, including security measures, tactical training, mine clearance, and consulting services, to countries allied with Ukraine, among other activities. In terms of weaponry, the law permits the use of small arms, ammunition, explosive devices, and materials, as well as armored vehicles armed with large-caliber machine guns and anti-tank missile systems, among other equipment. The draft law, however, has faced criticism from the Ministry of Defense, who argue that it is inconsistent with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine “On Defense of Ukraine” and “On Intelligence,” as well as international treaties and recommendations from the Montreux Document. Consequently, the Ministry proposes the establishment of a working group to address these concerns and finalize the draft law with the involvement of relevant bodies.

ملخص الأخبار

  • Only residents of Ukraine can be founders of an International Defense Company
  • IDCs can be registered in regions bordering states recognized as terrorist by Ukraine
  • Employees of IDCs must be at least 21 and have 1 year of service in Ukrainian military
  • MoD criticizes draft law for inconsistency with Ukrainian laws and international agreements

مقالات ذات صلة

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has expressed its support for the draft Law on International Defense Companies, according to the government portal. The aim of the draft law is to regulate the activities and legal status of international military companies operating in Ukraine and providing defense services outside of the country. The proposed law suggests the establishment of the “State Service of Ukraine for International Defense Companies” to oversee and manage the operations of these companies. The new state body will be under the supervision of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine and will regulate activities, register defense service agreements, and keep track of weapons and equipment. The draft law also outlines the requirements for establishing an International Defense Company (IDC), stating that only individuals and legal entities who are residents of Ukraine can be founders. IDCs can be registered in regions of Ukraine adjacent to states recognized as terrorist by Ukraine. The IDCs are allowed to provide various defense services, including security measures, tactical training, mine clearance, and consulting services, to countries allied with Ukraine, among other activities. In terms of weaponry, the law permits the use of small arms, ammunition, explosive devices, and materials, as well as armored vehicles armed with large-caliber machine guns and anti-tank missile systems, among other equipment. The draft law, however, has faced criticism from the Ministry of Defense, who argue that it is inconsistent with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine “On Defense of Ukraine” and “On Intelligence,” as well as international treaties and recommendations from the Montreux Document. Consequently, the Ministry proposes the establishment of a working group to address these concerns and finalize the draft law with the involvement of relevant bodies.

ملخص الأخبار

  • Only residents of Ukraine can be founders of an International Defense Company
  • IDCs can be registered in regions bordering states recognized as terrorist by Ukraine
  • Employees of IDCs must be at least 21 and have 1 year of service in Ukrainian military
  • MoD criticizes draft law for inconsistency with Ukrainian laws and international agreements

مقالات ذات صلة

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

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