انفجار في مصنع General Dynamics في أركنساس يصيب شخصين ويفقد الشخص الثالث

An explosion occurred at the General Dynamics plant in Arkansas, which produces ammunition and Javelin missiles. According to Arkansas Online, the local American media, the explosion took place on Wednesday at around 8:15 a.m. local time. Two people were injured, and one person is reported missing. General Dynamics spokesman Berkeley Whaley stated that the explosion was caused by the detonation of explosives. Production processes in the affected building were suspended.
The General Dynamics plant is known for its specialization in the manufacturing of military and aerospace equipment. It produces artillery ammunition, mortar mines, as well as components for Hellfire and Javelin missiles. In recent news, General Dynamics launched a shell production plant in Mesquite, Texas, costing over $500 million. The facility has three production lines and a planned capacity to produce 30,000 shells per month. The construction of this plant was driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, receiving funding from Congress and assistance from the Turkish company Repkon. The Pentagon also has plans to open another production line for ammunition at a military plant in Iowa and partially reopen a plant in Parsons, Kansas. These efforts aim to provide Ukraine with up to 100,000 artillery shells per month by the end of 2025, supporting their defense against Russian aggression. Additionally, Northrop Grumman, another American defense company, is reportedly planning to establish ammunition production in Ukraine.
ملخص الأخبار
- الشركة تشتهر بتصنيع معدات عسكرية وفضائية مثل الذخيرة والألغام الهاون ومكونات صواريخ Hellfire وJavelin.
- شركة General Dynamics أطلقت مصنعاً لإنتاج القذائف في تكساس بتكلفة تزيد عن 500 مليون دولار.
- البنتاغون يخطط لفتح خط إنتاج ثانٍ لتجهيز الذخيرة بالمتفجرات في مصنع عسكري بولاية آيوا وإعادة فتح مصنع في كانساس.