ملاحظات بشأن استخدام برمجيات روسية وبيلاروسية لبناء برمجيات الغواصات النووية البريطانية، حسب تقرير من The Telegraph

UK-based engineers of Britain’s nuclear submarines have been using software that was designed in Russia and Belarus, according to a report by The Telegraph. The software, which should have been created by UK-based staff with security clearance, was partially outsourced to developers in Siberia and Minsk. This has raised concerns that the code built by the Russian and Belarussian developers could potentially reveal the location of Britain’s submarines. The investigation revealed that the firm responsible for outsourcing the work initially kept it secret and even discussed disguising the location of the workers.
In addition to the UK’s submarine fleet, there are fears that other defense capabilities may have also been compromised. It was discovered that a previous project was outsourced to developers in Minsk. Rolls-Royce Submarines, which powers the UK’s nuclear submarine fleet, subcontracted the work to a digital consultancy firm called WM Reply, who in turn used developers based in Belarus. The intranet system developed for this project included personal details of Rolls-Royce Submarines employees and the organizational structure of those working on the UK’s submarine fleet.
WM Reply employees raised concerns about the security implications of using Belarusian staff, but were discouraged from informing Rolls-Royce about the issue. Rolls-Royce stated that it had conducted full IT security checks on the coding before introducing it to their network, and they believe that WM Reply employees and their subcontractors did not have access to information on secure servers.
The Telegraph: “Britain’s nuclear submarine software built by Belarusian and Russian engineers”
Militarnyi: “Britain’s nuclear submarine software built by Belarusian and Russian engineers”
ملخص الأخبار
- تم استخدام برنامج مصمم في روسيا وبيلاروسيا من قبل مهندسي الغواصات النووية البريطانية.
- تم توجيه تحذيرات حول استغلال الرموز التي قام بها المطورون الروس والبيلاروس لكشف موقع الغواصات البريطانية.
- أظهرت التحقيقات أن الشركة التي قامت بتفويض العمل لروسيا وبيلاروس حاولت إخفاء المعلومات ومناقشة كيفية التمويه بموقع العاملين.