هجوم طائرة بدون طيار FPV على طائرة هليكوبتر Mi-28 الروسية في منطقة كورسك

Yesterday, a Russian Mi-28 attack helicopter was damaged by a kamikaze FPV drone in the Kursk region. The damage was reported by the Russian military, including Alexei Zemtsov, who runs the Voevoda Vesti telegram channel. Zemtsov did not provide further details of the incident. However, an unknown private channel published a still image of the FPV drone hitting the helicopter’s tail section. The Russian military has experienced losses in helicopter incidents recently, including one burning down during a sabotage and another crash landing while hunting for a drone. Additionally, a Ka-52 helicopter was destroyed due to a hard landing that caused it to burn beyond repair. The situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border has deteriorated, leading to increased use of combat helicopters by the enemy to target Ukrainian defenders’ positions.
ملخص الأخبار
- الطاقم تمكن من تحويل الهليكوبتر بعد الهجوم ولم يتأثر وتم إرسال الهليكوبتر للإصلاح.
- تحطمت مروحية Ka-52 بسبب هبوط قاسي جعلها تشتعل حريقاً ويتعذر إصلاحها، الأمر الذي حدث يوم أمس.
- تزايد الخسائر في هذا النوع من المعدات بسبب التصاعد في الوضع على الحدود الروسية الأوكرانية.