وزير الدفاع الكوري الجنوبي يحذر من كسر التحالف مع الولايات المتحدة بسبب تطوير الأسلحة النووية

South Korean Defence Minister Shin Won-sik has warned that the country could break its alliance with the United States if it starts building nuclear weapons. The statement was shared with Reuters by Shin Won-sik himself. He believes that the best way to deter North Korea is by having its own stockpile of nuclear weapons. The increase in North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons and means of delivery has led to this position. Shin Won-sik also mentioned that if Donald Trump wins the US presidential election, South Korea would have to invest more in its own independent deterrent forces.
This potential move by South Korea could have significant consequences, including a crack in the US alliance and penalties if they withdraw from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. It could also negatively impact the country’s diplomatic standing and economy. South Korea has been trying to maintain good relations with the United States, Russia, China, and North Korea, but the growing ambitions of these countries have led to South Korea seeking its own path. The country’s missile arsenal currently consists of short- and medium-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, which could potentially be equipped with nuclear warheads. Additionally, South Korea is preparing to build a test center for developing and producing nuclear propulsion systems for submarines and civilian vessels.
ملخص الأخبار
- الولايات المتحدة قد تفرض عقوبات على كوريا الجنوبية في حال انسحبت من معاهدة عدم انتشار الأسلحة النووية.
- تصاعد الجهود لبناء مركز اختبار لتطوير وإنتاج أنظمة الدفع النووي للغواصات والسفن المدنية.
- السعي الكوري الجنوبي لاستقلالية أكبر في مجال الدفاع يأتي نتيجة لطموحات متزايدة للدول الكبرى كالولايات المتحدة، روسيا، والصين.