وثائق روسية تكشف عن مذهب الحرب ضد الناتو: ضربات مشتركة مع أسلحة نووية تكتيكية مضمنة

Russian documents obtained from Western sources reveal that Russia has a doctrine of war with NATO, involving combined strikes with conventional and tactical nuclear weapons against Western European countries. The internal Russian documentation, prepared between 2008 and 2014, highlights the advantage of using combined strikes at the early stages of war. The Russian Navy is assigned an important role in strike operations, with its ability to carry a large arsenal of cruise missiles and special warheads. The navy’s “high maneuverability” allows for sudden and preemptive strikes and massive missile strikes from different directions. Nuclear weapons are intended to be used in combination with other means of destruction to achieve Russia’s goals. The presentation also includes possible scenarios for war with Russia’s current allies, China, Iran, Azerbaijan, and North Korea.
The obtained files also include maps that outline 32 targets for the Russian fleet’s missiles in Europe. The Baltic Fleet’s targets are mainly in Norway and Germany, including the Bergen naval base, radar stations, and special-purpose facilities. The Northern Fleet is expected to target defense industry facilities, such as a shipyard in Barrow-in-Furness. The presentation also shows how Russia’s doctrine can be applied in the Black and Caspian Seas, as well as in the Pacific Ocean. In the event of a conflict with NATO, the priority is to weaken the enemy’s military and economic potential, which may involve striking civilian targets and critical infrastructure. There is also mention of a “demonstration strike” using nuclear weapons in a remote area to intimidate Western countries and demonstrate Russia’s readiness to use non-strategic nuclear weapons.
ملخص الأخبار
- المقال أورد أن الكتائب البلطيقية تستهدف بشكل رئيسي النرويج وألمانيا، وتشمل قاعدة برجن البحرية (النرويج) ومحطات الرادار والمرافق ذات الأغراض الخاصة.
- تحدثت الوثائق أيضًا عن كيفية تطبيق المذهب الروسي في حالات النزاع المحتملة في بحري البحر الأسود والقزوين وفي المحيط الهادئ.
- الأهداف الرئيسية للأسطول الروسي تضمنت مواقع في صناعة الدفاع، مثل حوض بناء السفن في بارو-إن-فورنس وإمكانية استهداف بنية صناعية قرب هال، ويُعتقد أن ذلك محطة صناعية.