وزارة الدفاع الألمانية: تحويل الأسلحة لأوكرانيا يجعلها ملكًا لها ويمكن استخدامها حسب الضرورة.

German Defense Ministry spokesperson Arne Collatz stated that once weapons are transferred to Ukraine, they become Ukraine’s property and can be used as deemed necessary. Collatz emphasized that international law permits military operations in an aggressor country for self-defense, without any special conditions for the use of weapons provided by the Bundeswehr. The Defense Ministry does not question the legality of actions on Russian territory, stating that international law allows for military operations to protect one’s own state. Germany is currently consulting with its allies and the Ukrainian government on specific weapons systems used by Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Defense Forces are equipped with various German-made equipment and weapons, including Leopard 2 and Leopard 1 tanks, as well as Marder infantry fighting vehicles. The German government has also been actively supplying infantry weapons and equipment to Ukraine. In July, there were reports of Germany considering the purchase of the Norwegian NOMADS air defense system for the Ukrainian Defense Forces. The situation in Ukraine’s Kursk region was not specifically assessed by the deputy spokesperson of the German government, Wolfgang Büchner, who highlighted the changing military situation and the presence of contradictory and possibly falsified news.
ملخص الأخبار
- تأكيد وزارة الدفاع الألمانية لاستشارة مع حلفائها والحكومة الأوكرانية حول الأنظمة السلاحية المحددة التي تستخدمها أوكرانيا.
- عدم تقديم تقييم خاص للأحداث في منطقة كورسك من قبل الناطق الرسمي الفيدرالي الألماني ولفغانج بوشنر.
- التقارير التي تقترح أن الحكومة الألمانية تفكر في شراء نظام الدفاع الجوي النرويجي NOMADS للقوات الدفاعية الأوكرانية.