حريقان يندلعان في منشأتين صناعيتين بروسيا بسبب هجمات بالطائرات المسيرة

On the night of Tuesday, July 16, a fire broke out at a plant in the village of Korenevo in the Kursk region of Russia. The fire was reportedly caused by a drone attack, according to the Russian Telegram channel Astra. Local media and social media pages also shared photos and videos showing the fire at the plant. The acting governor of the Kursk region, Aleksey Smirnov, confirmed the fire and stated that it was allegedly caused by a “Ukrainian drone” dropping an “explosive device” on the plant’s territory. The fire covered an area of 400 square meters and the workers were evacuated before firefighters arrived. The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that air defense systems had shot down one drone over the Kursk region that night. The Korenevsky Plant of Low Voltage Equipment, one of Russia’s largest electrical distribution and control equipment manufacturers, was the main object of the fire. The exact origin of the incident is still under investigation.
Another incident occurred on the morning of Saturday, July 13, when an oil depot in the Tsimlyansky district of the Rostov region of Russia caught fire after a drone attack. The depot stored gasoline and diesel fuel in tanks. The fire, which was assigned the third rank of difficulty, was not localized until 11 a.m. These incidents highlight the vulnerability of industrial plants and oil depots to drone attacks. It is important for authorities to investigate the origins of these incidents and strengthen security measures to prevent such attacks in the future.
ملخص الأخبار
- النار اجتاحت سطح المصنع الروسي في كورسك.
- منتجات المصنع تستخدم في روسيا ودول أخرى.
- اندلع حريق آخر في مستودع نفط بمنطقة روستوف بروسيا بعد هجوم بطائرة مسيرة.