هجوم بطائرات مسيرة يستهدف قاعدة عسكرية روسية في أدجيا وإجلاء السكان بسبب حريق

On the night of October 10, an attack was carried out using strike drones on the Russian Khanskaya military air base, located in the Republic of Adygea. The incident involved explosions at the base, which were captured in videos published by the Astra Telegram channel. The footage shows flashes and sounds of explosions and the operation of Russian air defense systems. Local residents reported hearing jets, possibly Su-27 fighters and Su-34 bombers, taking off following the commencement of the attack, presumably to avoid being targeted by the drones. NASA’s satellite fire monitoring system detected a fire near the site, confirming the occurrence of the attack.
The attack was later confirmed by Murat Kumpilov, the head of Adygea, who also announced the evacuation of the residents of Rodnikovo, a nearby village, due to a fire caused by the drone strike. He stated there were no casualties or injuries reported. Emergency services, including special service representatives, rescuers, and firefighters, have been deployed to the scene to manage and extinguish the fire. Khanskaya military air base is situated approximately 400 kilometers from the front line in eastern Ukraine and hosts the 272nd Training Aviation Base. This base
ملخص الأخبار
- تم نشر مقاطع الفيديو للحادث من قبل قناة تيليغرام “أسترا”، تُظهر الانفجارات والدفاع الجوي.
- تُظهر مقاطع الفيديو إقلاع الطائرات الحربية من القاعدة العسكرية لتجنب الهجوم.
- قاعدة خانسكيا تقع بين 3 كم شرق خانسكيا و6 كم شمال غرب ماي كوب، وعلى بعد 80 كم من كراسنودار.
- تستضيف القاعدة الجوية القاعدة التدريبية للطيران رقم 272 التابعة لمدرسة الطيران العسكرية في كراسنودار.