أكثر من 100 وحدة طائرات بدون طيار أوكرانية تنفذ بنجاح وحدة التحكم في المهمة التي طورها مركز الابتكار التابع لوزارة الدفاع.

More than 100 Ukrainian UAV units have successfully implemented the Mission Control module developed by the Innovation Center of the Ministry of Defense. This module, part of the DELTA combat system, has enabled the efficient execution of over 550 missions per day. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine confirmed the use of the Mission Control module and its contribution to optimizing real-time management of UAV units and reducing the risk of friendly fire. The innovative system acts as a calendar for planning employee tasks and their involvement in events. The module is currently being used on a trial basis by 130 units, carrying out a total of 550 daily missions.
The Delta combat system itself offers a three-dimensional understanding of the battle space in real time and integrates information from various sources, including intelligence, on a digital map. Delta does not require additional settings and can be accessed on any device with an internet connection. The system collects data from multiple sources, such as drone reconnaissance, satellite images, and radio intercepts. The developer emphasizes that Mission Control facilitates the automation of drone accounting and information processing, simplifying unit management and enhancing operational efficiency and safety.
ملخص الأخبار
- More than 100 UAV units have mastered the Mission Control module.
- The module optimizes real-time management and reduces friendly fire risk.
- The system is part of the DELTA combat system developed by the Ministry of Defense.
- Delta system offers three-dimensional understanding, requires no additional settings, and collects data from various sources.