الشركات الدفاعية الصغيرة بأوروبا تواجه تحديات مالية بسبب نقص التمويل والبيروقراطية المعقدة

Small defense companies in Europe are experiencing significant financial challenges due to a shortage of funding and complex bureaucratic requirements. According to information obtained by Reuters, there are inadequate resources to drive innovation and expand production capacities. Manufacturers highlight key obstacles such as limited government support, bureaucratic hurdles, and banks’ hesitancy to provide loans due to potential breaches of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. These factors are significantly hindering the growth of small defense enterprises across Europe. This situation arises within the context of global military expenditures reaching an unprecedented $2.44 trillion in 2023, marking a 6.8% increase from the previous year and the highest level since 2009.
Sources of this report include input from various small arms manufacturers and experts, such as Jiří Hynek, Executive Director of the Association of the Defense and Security Industry of the Czech Republic. An anonymous CEO of a small arms manufacturing company conveyed to Reuters the difficulties faced in securing sales in Europe and participating in government tenders due to financial constraints. This company’s experience underscores broader issues, as the European Commission’s 2024 report indicates a debt financing gap of €1 to €2 billion for small and medium-sized enterprises (
ملخص الأخبار
- صعوبة الحصول على تمويل مقدّم من الحكومات الأوروبية تعيق بيع المنتجات والمشاركة في المناقصات الحكومية.
- فجوة تمويلية تقدر بين 1 و2 مليار يورو تواجهها الشركات الدفاعية الصغيرة والمتوسطة في الاتحاد الأوروبي.
- تفسير متشدد لمعايير ESG من قبل البنوك يؤدي إلى سياسات استبعاد، مع مطالبة بتوجيهات واضحة لتحسين الوصول إلى التمويل.
- نقص التمويل يعيق قدرة الشركات على الابتكار والتوسع والحفاظ على العمليات الحالية، وفقًا لتقرير المفوضية الأوروبية 2024.