إعلان إفلاس شركة Reaction Engines وتعليق برامج تطوير الأسلحة الفرط صوتية في الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة

Reaction Engines, a prominent UK-based company specializing in the development of military engines for hypersonic weapons, has declared bankruptcy. This was reported by The Register. The company was heavily involved in pioneering solutions for the U.S. and UK hypersonic weapons programs, notably the SABRE rocket engine’s development. Besides this, it worked on individual engine components used in hypersonic weapon prototypes. Despite their efforts to secure financial backing, the company could not find the necessary support, requiring approximately £20 million ($26 million) and, as a result, is now undergoing liquidation.
The company’s financial difficulties coincided with broader challenges in the U.S. concerning hypersonic weapon development. The unsuccessful AGM-183 missile test in March 2013 raised obstacles for the U.S. Air Force’s ARRW program, which has since been closed. Funding for this program is suspended until 2025, during which the U.S. Air Force and developers must reassess investment strategies. The UK Space Agency had previously supported the company’s SABRE engine technology development. Despite setbacks, U.S. Air Force representatives have acknowledged the value in these developments, noting their influence on new initiatives like the Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile project. Sources
ملخص الأخبار
- تطوير الشركة لمحرك الصواريخ SABRE تم بدعم من وكالة الفضاء البريطانية.
- تم إغلاق برنامج تطوير الصاروخ AGM-183 الفرط صوتي في الولايات المتحدة بعد فشل اختباراته.
- تكيفت لوكهيد مارتن لصاروخ ماكو الفرط صوتي لمعظم المقاتلات الأمريكية.
- الصاروخ الجديد متوافق مع مخازن الأسلحة الداخلية للمقاتلات من الجيل الخامس مثل F-22 وF-35.