مقتل اللواء الروسي بافيل كليمنكو في أوكرانيا وسط اتهامات بسوء السلوك والفساد

Russian Army Major General Pavel Klimenko, commander of the 5th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, has been killed in Ukraine. The news of his death was initially reported by Russian pro-war bloggers and verified by Russian online media Vazhnye Istorii. Klimenko’s sisters, Kateryna and Iryna, confirmed his death via social media and conversations with Russian media outlet ASTRA. The general had been accused of organizing torture and extorting money from his subordinates to secure their reassignment to rear positions. Criticism of Klimenko included accusations of high casualties under his command.
The circumstances surrounding Klimenko’s death remain unclear, but it has attracted attention due to alleged misconduct during his service. ASTRA’s investigation revealed claims of torture being organized at an abandoned mine in occupied Donetsk, where Russian servicemen were coerced into participating in assault groups. These incidents, coupled with reports of bribery for reassignment, sparked criticism among Russian bloggers and relatives of other deceased soldiers, leading to condemnation of Klimenko on social media. This incident adds to the tally of seven Russian generals confirmed dead in Ukraine since the conflict’s escalation, although unconfirmed reports suggest the number may be higher
ملخص الأخبار
- اللواء بافيل كليمنكو كان يبلغ من العمر 47 عامًا عند وفاته.
- تركت شقيقته إيرينا تعازيها في التعليقات على منشور على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.
- أشار بعض المدونين الروس إلى إمكانية دفع الجنود في وحدته رشاوى لإعادة تعيينهم في الخلف.
- تم حذف منشور على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي حول وفاته، بعد أن تلقى عدة انتقادات من أقارب جنود روس آخرين متوفين.