حرب وعسكرية

وزارة الدفاع توكل صنع أكثر من 20 مركبة خفيفة لصالح القوات الدفاعية الأوكرانية

Over the past six months, the Ministry of Defense has commissioned more than 20 light vehicles for use in the Ukrainian Defense Forces. The new models include buggies, motorcycles with electric and internal combustion engines, as well as four- and six-wheeled ATVs and hexacycles. A special vehicle for traveling on water – jet skis – has also been codified for the needs of defense units. This information was reported by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The range of applications of these vehicles at the front is quite wide, including moving personnel and cargo over difficult terrain, evacuating the wounded, providing logistical support, conducting reconnaissance, and serving as mobile firing points. The codification and approval of Ukrainian-made weapons and military equipment for operation allows all purchases to be made from the state budget for the units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Source: Militarnyi

ملخص الأخبار

  • The vehicles are designed for rough terrain and water tasks.
  • In 2023, only 7 such vehicles were added to the Defense Forces.
  • Codified samples include products from US, Asian, and European manufacturers.
  • The Ukrainian Defense Forces also have a medical armored vehicle, Kozak-5MED, based on an American chassis.

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لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

Over the past six months, the Ministry of Defense has commissioned more than 20 light vehicles for use in the Ukrainian Defense Forces. The new models include buggies, motorcycles with electric and internal combustion engines, as well as four- and six-wheeled ATVs and hexacycles. A special vehicle for traveling on water – jet skis – has also been codified for the needs of defense units. This information was reported by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The range of applications of these vehicles at the front is quite wide, including moving personnel and cargo over difficult terrain, evacuating the wounded, providing logistical support, conducting reconnaissance, and serving as mobile firing points. The codification and approval of Ukrainian-made weapons and military equipment for operation allows all purchases to be made from the state budget for the units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Source: Militarnyi

ملخص الأخبار

  • The vehicles are designed for rough terrain and water tasks.
  • In 2023, only 7 such vehicles were added to the Defense Forces.
  • Codified samples include products from US, Asian, and European manufacturers.
  • The Ukrainian Defense Forces also have a medical armored vehicle, Kozak-5MED, based on an American chassis.

مقالات ذات صلة

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

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