حرب وعسكرية

القوات الروسية تستخدم نظام الصواريخ المضادة للدروع ذات الحمولة الذاتية طويلة المدى Bulsae-4 من كوريا الشمالية في أوكرانيا

Russian invasion forces have begun utilizing the North Korean Bulsae-4 long-range self-propelled anti-tank missile system against Ukraine. The KUP (+18) Telegram channel published a photo of the launcher. Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance identified the system in an open area on one of the frontline sectors. The Bulsae-4 is capable of targeting objects beyond visual range, with an estimated range of 10 to 25 kilometers. This system is in service with the Russian army, and its range allows for attacks on armored vehicles from a safe distance. The Bulsae-4 launcher consists of a rotating module of eight missile containers on the chassis of a North Korean M-2010 wheeled armored personnel carrier. The guided missile is equipped with large stabilizers and an electro-optical head for precise targeting. Russian use of North Korean ballistic missiles was previously recognized by the UN in Ukraine.

Bloomberg reported in early June that North Korea had shipped around 5 million artillery shells of various calibers to Russia. In January of this year, the debris of a North Korean Hwasong-11 (KN-23) ballistic missile was found after a strike on a Ukrainian city, indicating its use by Russia. The utilization of the Bulsae-4 missile system from North Korea further confirms the involvement of Russian forces in Ukraine. The origin of this incident lies in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, where Russian forces have intervened and occupied Ukrainian territory. The introduction of the Bulsae-4 system demonstrates the use of advanced weapons technology by the invading forces.

ملخص الأخبار

  • تم التقاط شظايا صاروخ كوري شمالي هجن من طراز Hwasong-11 (KN-23) بعد ضرب مدينة أوكرانية في يناير، مؤكدا استخدامه من قبل روسيا.
  • تم شحن نحو 5 ملايين قذيفة مدفعية من متعدد العيارات إلى روسيا من قبل كوريا الشمالية خلال يونيو.
  • استخدام النظام الصواريخي Bulsae-4 من كوريا الشمالية يظهر تورط قوات روسية في أزمة أوكرانيا.

مقالات ذات صلة

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

Russian invasion forces have begun utilizing the North Korean Bulsae-4 long-range self-propelled anti-tank missile system against Ukraine. The KUP (+18) Telegram channel published a photo of the launcher. Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance identified the system in an open area on one of the frontline sectors. The Bulsae-4 is capable of targeting objects beyond visual range, with an estimated range of 10 to 25 kilometers. This system is in service with the Russian army, and its range allows for attacks on armored vehicles from a safe distance. The Bulsae-4 launcher consists of a rotating module of eight missile containers on the chassis of a North Korean M-2010 wheeled armored personnel carrier. The guided missile is equipped with large stabilizers and an electro-optical head for precise targeting. Russian use of North Korean ballistic missiles was previously recognized by the UN in Ukraine.

Bloomberg reported in early June that North Korea had shipped around 5 million artillery shells of various calibers to Russia. In January of this year, the debris of a North Korean Hwasong-11 (KN-23) ballistic missile was found after a strike on a Ukrainian city, indicating its use by Russia. The utilization of the Bulsae-4 missile system from North Korea further confirms the involvement of Russian forces in Ukraine. The origin of this incident lies in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, where Russian forces have intervened and occupied Ukrainian territory. The introduction of the Bulsae-4 system demonstrates the use of advanced weapons technology by the invading forces.

ملخص الأخبار

  • تم التقاط شظايا صاروخ كوري شمالي هجن من طراز Hwasong-11 (KN-23) بعد ضرب مدينة أوكرانية في يناير، مؤكدا استخدامه من قبل روسيا.
  • تم شحن نحو 5 ملايين قذيفة مدفعية من متعدد العيارات إلى روسيا من قبل كوريا الشمالية خلال يونيو.
  • استخدام النظام الصواريخي Bulsae-4 من كوريا الشمالية يظهر تورط قوات روسية في أزمة أوكرانيا.

مقالات ذات صلة

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

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