حرب وعسكرية

مناورات عسكرية دولية تجري في لاتفيا وليتوانيا وإستونيا تشمل تدريبات قتالية واقعية

International military exercises Jörmungandr 24 and Iron Woolf 2024-2 are currently underway in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. The events are scheduled to span from late September to mid-October 2023. Jörmungandr 24, commencing on September 26 and set to conclude on October 9, takes place near Skrunda, Latvia. The exercise provides an opportunity for battalion-level training, which is significant as Estonia currently lacks such training grounds within its borders. Lieutenant Colonel Ranno Raudsik, commander of the Estonian reconnaissance battalion, noted the exercise allows for the practice of both defensive and offensive combat operations utilizing realistic training scenarios and equipment. This event involves multiple components of the Estonian Defense Forces, including units such as the Defense League and the General Staff. Information has been provided by the Estonian Ministry of Defense as well as Delfi and ERR publications.

Simultaneously, the Iron Woolf 2024-2 exercise commenced on October 7 and will continue until October 17 in Lithuania at the Silvestras Žukauskas training ground. This exercise includes over 3,200 military personnel from Lithuania and allied forces, alongside 700 pieces of military

ملخص الأخبار

  • تمارين Jörmungandr 24 تشمل عمليات قتالية في المناطق المأهولة باستخدام مركبات المشاة القتالية.
  • تشارك قوات من بلجيكا، جمهورية التشيك، الولايات المتحدة، لوكسمبورغ، النرويج، هولندا، وألمانيا في مناورات Iron Woolf 2024-2.
  • تدريبات Sibul في جنوب إستونيا تركز على المهام الدفاعية وتحسين مهارات التعامل مع الأسلحة.

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

International military exercises Jörmungandr 24 and Iron Woolf 2024-2 are currently underway in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. The events are scheduled to span from late September to mid-October 2023. Jörmungandr 24, commencing on September 26 and set to conclude on October 9, takes place near Skrunda, Latvia. The exercise provides an opportunity for battalion-level training, which is significant as Estonia currently lacks such training grounds within its borders. Lieutenant Colonel Ranno Raudsik, commander of the Estonian reconnaissance battalion, noted the exercise allows for the practice of both defensive and offensive combat operations utilizing realistic training scenarios and equipment. This event involves multiple components of the Estonian Defense Forces, including units such as the Defense League and the General Staff. Information has been provided by the Estonian Ministry of Defense as well as Delfi and ERR publications.

Simultaneously, the Iron Woolf 2024-2 exercise commenced on October 7 and will continue until October 17 in Lithuania at the Silvestras Žukauskas training ground. This exercise includes over 3,200 military personnel from Lithuania and allied forces, alongside 700 pieces of military

ملخص الأخبار

  • تمارين Jörmungandr 24 تشمل عمليات قتالية في المناطق المأهولة باستخدام مركبات المشاة القتالية.
  • تشارك قوات من بلجيكا، جمهورية التشيك، الولايات المتحدة، لوكسمبورغ، النرويج، هولندا، وألمانيا في مناورات Iron Woolf 2024-2.
  • تدريبات Sibul في جنوب إستونيا تركز على المهام الدفاعية وتحسين مهارات التعامل مع الأسلحة.

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

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